Thursday, 22 September 2011

Defining Target Audience

In our group we have decided that our target audience is going to be children of ages 1-4 and of both genders. We came to this conclusion through looking at the style of product we were interested in creating and similar existing pieces. We understand that viewers not in our specific target audience may watch the show, but it is important to have our target audience in mind when creating our product, so we are able to cater to suit their needs specifically. This is why we have chosen a quite small age range (1-4). We feel if we try to broaden this (e.g. 1 - 7) our audience will possibly have conflicting needs and we could therefore not meet the needs of all our audience members if they conflict heavily. We feel that trying to appeal to both genders however isn't such an issue. We looked at some examples of existing programmes and their target audiences which is posted over on her blog.

Monday, 12 September 2011

Market Research: Show Format.

The 'format' of a show would be judged by 3 things, the target audience, the length of the episodes, and the level of interactivity. These key factors will determine how the show is read, which, as the creators is something we need to think about and be very aware of, Hannah has looked more deeply and explained this on her blog.